Sunday, 11 March 2018

Dear Spring

Dear Spring,

Winter has had its time - really, it’s done its worst. We’ve had the complete repertoire - dark, wind, rain, snow, frost, blizzards, storms - and many of us have come out the other side a little chastened. Sometimes, here in the comfortable western economies, we assume we can control more or less everything. This winter was a brutal reminder that we can’t. People were stuck for hours in their cars. Pipes burst and left families without water. Electricity failed and the vulnerable were freezing. 

We’ve learned our lesson, honestly we have. Weather is a serious issue and we will respect it in the future. Promise. 

And so, Spring, don’t you think it’s time you turned up and cheered us all up a bit? I know you’ve provided a few carpets of snowdrops, but they’re looking a bit sorry for themselves after being deluged with snow. Surely it’s time for a daffodil or two? A splash of yellow to remind us what sunshine looks like? Fresh green leaves on the beech trees? Birds a-twittering and gathering bits of stuff to build nests? Enough warmth in the sun for us to take some of our woollies off?

In a couple of weeks the clocks will go forward. It is a structured reminder that longer days are coming - a device dreamed up by men and women to trick us into believing winter is behind us. We need the Weather to catch up.

Please, Spring, do the decent thing and bring us some sunny days. With daffodils.


  1. I do agree, Jo! But yesterday morninh, it listened here. Spring came out to play. I just hope she stays awhile.

    1. Did it stay -do hope so. We’ve more freezingness forecast for the weekend.

  2. You read my mind Jo! Yes, we do leave such sheltered lives that when the weather exerts its power, many are totally unprepared! living a tiny village on top of a hill I was prepared in that I had plenty if food, loo rolls and other essentials. I also usually have some bottled water and plenty of matches and firewood in, but couldn't get out to work for a couple
    E of days because we're well over a mile from the nearest gritted roads. So, yes am so looking forward to spring!!!

    1. Do hope you don’t get another dollop of snow before the winter’s through!

  3. Well, I hope it works for you Jo.

    We've had an inkling but spring is very shy this year, more snow forecast for the next few nights. Although, the birds must know something is up, they are very busy.

    1. Do so hope the birds have go it right!

  4. The daffs have come out in my little corner of London.:-) Yes, there are signs spring's here.

    Greetings from London.
