Sunday, 13 November 2016

We can do more than lick our wounds.

It's a few days, now, since That Election. And there has been twaddle spoken, and written, from both sides. There has been plenty of 'it might not be so bad' reflections, which seem to have forgotten what a racist, sexist bigot American has elected.

On the morning after the election my daughter, Anna, wrote one of the most eloquent pieces I have read. She wrote when feelings were at their most raw - and I certainly couldn't have put sentences together like this. (I make no apologies to anyone who has already seen this - it bears repeating.) She has agreed that I can copy it here:

"For the second time in six months I have woken up to a darker, more terrifying world than the one I went to sleep in.
"For the second time in six months I am reading a feed full of anger, despair and fear for the future of the world.
"For the second time in six months I have a sick feeling in my stomach as I think about the future that we all face.
"For the second time in six months I am facing the realisation that the way I view the world is not the view of the majority of people.
"Well no more. We can't change the past but we can take responsibility for our own future. Those in charge may not agree, and we cannot stop the way they are behaving but they are not in our houses. They are not on our street. They are not part of our community - in those places we have the power.
"So, starting today, we need to be the change we want to see in the world. To help those who are suffering, talk to those who are lonely, stand in solidarity with those who are abused. To be welcoming to those who are new to our community, and to help others understand that new people are nothing to fear. To celebrate both those things that make us different and those that make us the same.
"And above all to spread the word of hope for a brighter future, and to do everything we can to ensure that the next time we get to vote, the voices that are loudest are those of hope, tolerance and inclusivity, and not those of fear and hatred. We won't get to vote again tomorrow, or next week, and probably not even next year. But we will - and we will be ready."

She is also part of a group putting her words into action: she is supporter of 'Swindon: a city of sanctuary'. It is a movement to seeks to ensure that anyone who needs a place of safely, for whatever reason, can find it there. And they aren't alone - follow the link on the site and you'll see that these groups are active all over the country. You can find out more about them here.

Here is that the change she is pleading for in action. Good things can grow from all the rage and helplessness of Wednesday morning. We must - we do - believe that. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Anne but I'd be awful at that particular job!

    2. As her Mum, I have to agree - she's wonderful, but isn't one to suffer fools easily!

  2. Well blogger seems to have eaten my first comment so I'll try again! Thanks so much for reposting this Ma I really appreciate it. Please check out the Swindon City of Sanctuary link, and consider pledging if you have any links to the Swindon area. If not then you can see if there is something in your area. If you have any questions or you want to start something in your area just shout - if I can't help I can pass it on to the City of Sanctuary team.

    1. Many thanks for this, Anna. How you managed such a coherent piece of writing when you were that angry I'll never know!

    2. Well said Anna ~ I'd add, though that the majority of epople don't feel this way, but a minority do, and their stupidity has been played on by some very evil and cunning men. As your Ma will tell you, I am Jewish, and lost family in the Holocaust. I am making it my responsibility to point out the path we are being pushed down ..on Twitter & wherever else I can. Having just re read Mein Kampf, Ch 6 is clear where these people are getting their ideas. It worked then; we WILL NOT let it work again xxx

    3. Thanks, Carol - and we will not let it happen again. At least we have different ways to organise opposition now, so we can man the barricades long before the true horrors begin. Well - we have to hang onto that hope.

  3. May your endeavours bring hope to many, Anna. We must all do what we can, how we can and where we can. What you are doing is wonderful and I hope it speads ripples through society!

    1. Thanks, Val - she alarms me sometimes, this feisty daughter of mine. But she'll never stop standing up for what she believes in.
