Sunday, 3 August 2014

Today it is raining.

For months, years even, I have tried to be organised about blogging. Mondays and Thursdays, with an explanation for absences.

But it's August. There are gardens to sit in, books to read, grandchildren to be played with. And so, for a week or several, I shall be a bit more haphazard about the whole blogging thing.

I know - the received wisdom tells us that readers need us to be predictable. I will lose followers if I don't stick to a pattern. But, my loyal readers (you must be loyal if you are still connecting in August, when there are gardens to sit in, etc), let me ask you a question or two. Illustrate my choices.

When the sun is shining, and the bees busy on the lavender, would you rather be outside with a book or inside with a computer?

When children come to visit, on precious escape-days from school, would you rather paddle in the river and look for tiddlers, or be inside with a computer?

When you are offered picnics, or days by the sea, or a wander along the Ridgeway to look for butterflies ... would you choose to be inside with a computer?

I am sure there are those, diligent as ever, who will choose the computer option. I salute you, and your dedication to your writing (and your marketing). Me - I'm letting the side down. Maybe I'm a hedonist. Maybe, right now, reading is more nourishing than writing. Maybe ...

It's August. There are gardens to sit in, books to read, grandchildren to be played with. I'm not disappearing. I'll drop by to write when it's raining. I'll read blogs and comment and all the social media stuff - when the clouds gather. The rest of the time, I'm outside, in the sunshine.

Happy holidays!!


  1. Ah Jo, you are so right!! I have spent much more time out in the sunshine than I should have done, but heck, we only get this weather once in a while, so enjoy it!!

    1. All those years working, when I had to be inside - now I have a choice, and being inside with a computer comes a poor second when sun is shining!

  2. Hahaha...good for you. Meanwhile the OCD brigade will continue to blog at the allotted time , for not to do so would be too distressing!! xxx have a brilliant summer

    1. Thanks, Carol. Am sure the OCD brigade will be fine with their decisions, too? Hope your summer is also wonderful.

  3. You've certainly got your priorities right Jo....outside enjoying life is the way I go too...but I still can't wean myself from the computer entirely! Enjoy your August!

    1. I'll be around when it rains, Bridget, but life is too short - and British weather so unreliable - to miss out on sunny days. Hope your summer is fab, too.

  4. I don't blame you one bit. We can live life, or we can write about it. Writing has a certain importance of its own, but life's too short to spend too much of it behind a computer.

  5. I do agree. My blog has been a bit neglected lately but that's due to overwork rather than sun and books. Besides it's raining today! Have a lovely August.

  6. I've not been on my blog much either Jo. We have to enjoy the good weather while we can. Winter will come quick enough and then we'll have time to sit at a computer.
