Wednesday, 27 February 2013

I can't tell you yet but ...

You know that 'keeping a secret' thing? When you really, really want to say something and you've agreed to keep your mouth shut?

So, I've agreed not to post links to 65 Things to Do When You Retire: Travel before it comes out on 9th March - because that's when you'll be able to buy it.

Do you remember, ages ago, I wrote about an editor appearing from behind a metaphorical tree while I was looking the other way and asking for a piece on taking a gap year in retirement? It's here, should you want to read it again - and get a flavour of just how excited I was. And I now know I'm in the company of some wonderful travel writers from America which makes it even more astonishing.

Anyway - I'm not showing you the cover, nor the blurb, nor anything else I've agreed not to show you. But I am reminding you it's coming out - not only because I'm looking forward to an excuse to eat cake and feel generally pleased with myself, but also because this book will raise money for cancer charities. Which is almost as good a reason for you to get ready to buy it as its contents! (I think much of the practical information is more useful for those living in the US - but there's still some great ideas for those of us across the pond.)

(I haven't really told you much, have I ...)


  1. Congratulations, Jo! No wonder you are excited. What a great break, you have earned all the cake you want :)

  2. Fantastic Jo! Can't wait to read it!

  3. This is sooooo exciting. Can't wait to hear more... and you've given me a justification for eating cake! Woohoo!

  4. Thank you all - I think we should all eat cake.

  5. Brilliant news! And raising money for such a good cause and no, you haven't really 'told' us anything. Hahahaha. Like the cake idea. Like it very much.

  6. Excellent, Jo. That's fantastic! And so great that it's for such an important cause. I'll raise my glass as well as have a slice of cake! Apart from anything else, I think the book is just a brilliant idea as well!
